Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Tips For Effective Workplace Communication - 913 Words
Many people may judge confrontation as a very negative word based on previous encounters. Though sometimes confronting a family member, peer, co-worker etc. can turn out to be negative, addressing said person could lead to a positive situation. Personal experiences has led to research whether or not it is acceptable for employees to address managers and supervisors about negative concerns in regard to the workplace. A recent poll has been conducted by U.S. Department of Labor to determine the employment-population ratio. At 59.7% (Bureau of Labor Statistics), there are many opportunities for Americans to encounter a difficult situation at his/her place of employment. Many individuals prefer to avoid the issue for fear of being involved in an uncomfortable conversation. Communication is key and extremely effective in the workplace when used positively. Author of the article titled â€Å"10 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication,†Stephanie Watson, explains Communication is something we do reflexively-like breathing. We talk to our spouses, kids and friends without giving much thought to how we re doing it. It might seem easy, but communicating effectively actually takes quite a bit of finesse. Choosing the right words, listening with our minds instead of just our ears, and getting our message across are skills that we all need to work on. If individuals feel the need to improve on interpersonal skills, it can be assumed that working on communication is a necessity. ThisShow MoreRelatedCommunication Barriers in Workplace1252 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Communication Barriers in the Workplace Communication barriers in the workplace can have a serious effect on the functioning and of an organization. In the following article we shall understand what some of these communication barriers are and how to overcome them. 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Communication is an essential process that is common in the workplace. Everyone in the workplace especially leaders must communicate with others. Ideas, conversations, disagreements, and commitments can all be exchanged through communication. Anyone can communicate but it takes discipline and skillsRead MoreLack Of Strong Communication Skills1533 Words  | 7 Pages Strong communication skills are necessary in order to coordinate daily operations which may require multiple people participating in the care of a patient. Evidence has shown that a lack of strong communication has led to negative patient outcomes and financial losses for the institution. Effective communication will help deliver the plan and staff members will know exactly what is expected off them versus trying to figure it out on their own. Good communication will also help to prevent errors
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The WNBA - Womens Basketball will Never be the Same...
The WNBA - Womens Basketball will Never be the Same I know I will never forget my first WNBA basketball game. It was the inaugural season, the inaugural game in Madison Square Garden, June 27, 1997. The president of the WNBA Val Ackerman tossed the ball up in center court as cameras recorded Kim Hampton of the New York Liberty and Lisa Leslie of the L.A. Sparks reached to tip the ball. This was a huge event and the crowds noise level was a complete acknowledgement of that fact. Madison Square Garden was packed, the lights went out and the screams got louder; this was history. The announcement of the WNBA came with mixed regards. There were those who thought that it took the United States long enough, and there were those who did†¦show more content†¦Why did the women have to go to foreign countries? Why werent they allotted the same promise of a career as the male athletes graduating from college? Why were women expected to give there all in collegiate sports just for the fun of it, while male athletes used it as an opportunity to build a portfolio for going on to becoming a professional athlete? It did not seem fare, and just made no sense. It too years in the making, but finally we were able to bring our female basketball players back to the United States. The season was played in the summer. The summertime schedule immediately opens the doors for a new type of basketball fan. WNBA games are warmer; there are no stuffy men straight from their business meetings filling up the Madison Square Garden seats. No high profile attendees awaiting their picture on the big screen above center court. Above all the tickets are much less than a regular season New York Knicks game. The low-ticket prices brought in rowdier more enthusiastic fans. There were families sitting courtside instead of the usual businessmen and their impressionable clients - and of course Spike Lee. The fans were there because they loved basketball, not because they wanted to see Alan Houston or some other player paid millions to run up and down the court. There was a more genuine glow about the fans. A glow that only the people in nosebleed seats have at the New York Knick games. There were fathers with their daughters both wearingShow MoreRelatedAttendance Vs Nba Attendance : Stats, Marketing Strategies, And The Reasoning Behind The Discrepancy1718 Words  | 7 PagesWNBA Attendance v NBA Attendance: Stats, Marketing Strategies, and the Reasoning Behind the Discrepancy Grace E. Rains-Turk California Lutheran University Abstract WNBA attendance and NBA attendance vary significantly. Is this variation a result of women’s professional sports not having a large fan base, differing marketing strategies used by the WNBA and the NBA, less attention to women’s professional sports by the media and sports broadcasting networks, or a combination of allRead More Gender Barriers inside Sports Essay1270 Words  | 6 PagesAt the same time there are others who will respect and look up to these athletes as role models who they will someday follow. In the movie Pumping Iron II, women bodybuilders are faced with judgments about their sexual orientation just because of their physical appearance. There is one character, Carla, who is always shown with her mother and sister, but never with a boyfriend or husband like the rest of the women. She does not feel the need to defend her sexuality and the audience never questionsRead MoreBaseball And Softball Are The Victim Of It Essay1541 Words  | 7 Pages It is hard to feel injustice if you do not realize you are the victim of it. Logistically, baseball and softball are different sports although they seem very similar. Confusing them as the same sport seems innocent enough, until you truly begin to understand the differences and why they exist. It is nationally understood that baseball is for boys and softball is for girls. The girls’ sport is baseball, but softer. It is meant to be easier and less complicated than baseball. The difference betweenRead More How the Introduction of the Individual into a Non-traditional Sport for His or Her Gender Affects t1429 Words  | 6 Pagesbenefits. The most immediate and perhaps most obvious cost of such an entrance into the untraditional is the questioning of the participants sexuality. This inquiry is most common to women as they enter fields such as boxing and basketball. Men, however, undergo the same scrutiny as they enter traditionally feminine sports such as figure skating and synchronized swimming. The appearance of new genders in sport does however take a step in the right direction. Every opportunity seized to create someRead MoreMen vs. Women in Professional Sports1502 Words  | 7 Pagesagainst one another. In the past athletic instructors adapted the rules to make sports less physically taxing for women. For instance in basketball, to ensure that girls maintain proper decorum, they were forbidden from snatching the ball and dribbling it more than three times in row. Females would not be considered strong enough to play a full-court basketball game until 1971. Women have struggled to be taken seriously as athlete s for more than two centuries. Over the years, females have competedRead MoreIt Is No Secret That The Socially Constructed Concept Of1534 Words  | 7 Pagesthe deviance of women in professional sport, they claim that this poor judgement is based on their rejection of traditional gender norms. Their claim is that, â€Å"Women’s violation of traditional gender role norms represents a particular serious threat to the patriarchal and heterosexist society because this deviant behavior resists women’s subordinate status.When women engage in behavior that challenges the established gender order, and thus oppose male domination, attempts are often made by thoseRead MoreEssay Men Vs. Women in Professional Sports1450 Words  | 6 Pagesagainst one another. In the past athletic instructors adapted the rules to make sports less physically taxing for women. For instance in basketball, to ensure that girls maintain proper decorum, they were forbidden from snatching the ball and dribbling it more than three times in row. Females would not be considered strong enough to play a full-court basketball game until 1971. Women have struggled to be taken seriously as athletes for more than two centuries. Over the years, females have competedRead MoreEssay on Double Standard599 Words  | 3 Pagesabout half of what men earned for the same exact job, and with the same qualifications. The reason behind this was that a woman, especially a married woman is likely to work less due to the risk of having a child. In the work place the pay for women and number of managerial jobs, doctors, and lawyers has increased, however, equal pay is still a goal. The â€Å"glass ceiling†effect is an idea that explains how women, and minorities see the he top positions but can never reach them. Some women entering a jobRead MoreMen And Women s Basketball Essay1448 Words  | 6 PagesAlthough men and women’s basketball are closer to being equal than softball and baseball, the leagues are still separate. America has a women’s league and a men’s league and never the two shall meet. A woman is not allowed in the NBA since she has the WNBA. The separation is strong, obvious, and seemingly permanent. Like basketball, they created softball to play indoors during the winter. The game earned the name softball and due to its easier properties was often â€Å"regarded as baseball’s stepchild†Read MoreFriendship : A Special Bond, Support System, And Everlasting Memories Essay913 Words  | 4 PagesFriendship:A Special Bond, Support System, and Everlasting Memories A women’s friendship provides a special bond, support system, and everlasting memories which creates a concrete relationship that continues to expand throughout a lifetime. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, friendship is â€Å"the quality or state of being friendly.†This means a friend is someone who is caring and willing to go out of their way to impact and change one’s life. My story is about the relationship I have with
Monday, December 9, 2019
Egg Flotation free essay sample
March 4, 2010 Egg Buoyancy and Density: Can you make an egg float by changing the density of water? If you put an egg in tap water, it will sink to the bottom. If you add enough salt, the egg will float to the surface. Density is the mass or volume of an object. Its easier to think of it as the thickness of the object. Buoyancy is the force that allows an object to float. I performed a fun experiment to see how increasing density of water could make an egg float or submerge. Anyone can do it. You need to gather all your aterials before you begin. Youll need three glasses or beakers. You can use bottled or tap water. Its better if it isnt cold water. Warm water dissolves faster. A tablespoon, salt and three eggs will complete the materials. Be very careful not to break the eggs. We will write a custom essay sample on Egg Flotation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It makes a really big mess! Now you can start the experiment. Fill three glasses with two cups of water each. Dissolve one tablespoon of salt in the first glass and two tablespoons in the second glass. Dont put any salt in the third one. Label each glass. Watch the eggs for the next twenty four hours. When the time is up, take notes on how far the eggs have risen. Draw your own conclusion. This is a really cool science project. I got most of my information from sciencehound. com. I learned a lot about density and buoyancy. You can increase the density of water by adding salt. Eggs float at different levels in water depending on how much salt is added. If no salt is added, the egg Just sinks to the bottom. Its almost like doing a magic trick!
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Renaissance age of Rebirth Essay Example For Students
The Renaissance age of Rebirth Essay The Renaissance, which began in Italy in the fourteenth century, was a period of great change in art, culture, and science. The word Renaissance means Rebirth, this is a perfect word to describe the period. Many of the greatest artists in history, such as Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, lived during this time period. Renaissance scientists made many great discoveries and played a large part in a fair portion of our current knowledge about the natural world. As well, Renaissance thinkers changed the way people saw themselves and the world around them. Renaissance society was very different from feudal society of the middle ages. The Medieval world was built around the nearest manor and most everyday activities had to do with a manor or castle. By the time of the Renaissance, towns in southern Europe had grown greatly in size. The wealthy people who lived in Renaissance society had more spare time and money than in the Middle Ages. This meant they could spend more time studying new ideas and had more money to truly patronise the arts. We will write a custom essay on The Renaissance age of Rebirth specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The medieval view of the world was a look at the bad side of things: People thought of life as short and full of suffering. There was very little medieval art that didnt have a religious theme, and most art was made by hired artists for a church, to teach people about there faith and encourage them to lead better lives so they could go to heaven. The middle ages did not, of course, end abruptly. Some people still clung on to the medieval view of the world but slowly this view ended almost completely. During the Renaissance period people became tired of the world view in the Middle Ages. To them, the feudal period had been a period of inactivity and sluggish growth. Instead, Renaissance people admired the classical age and the great artists and thinkers of ancient Greece and Rome. Much ancient art, especially sculpture, had been made to celebrate the beauty of human form. Ancient Greek and Roman artists had tried to communicate a sense of beauty in their art. Greek thinkers had developed systems of philosophy that showed people how to improve themselves and their society through there own efforts. In short, the classical society was optimistic, and much better then the views from the Middle Ages. Renaissance artists and thinkers worked hard to bring the classical culture to life again, and to make a new better age. One great development of this period was coinage, their money was a low level currency but worked well for the purpose. During their time, banks were simply tables with bankers behind them. This is why the word bank comes from the Latin word that means bench and table. The table, or in some cases tables, were more like a small stall that was sometimes found in the market square of important cities. When a banker was ready to do business, he set out his notebooks, a pile of coins, and of course, a scale in which to weigh coins. Most banks were owned by rich and powerful families and only sometimes were banks owned by the local government. At first borrowing money from banks and paying interest was considered morally wrong. This was because you have to pay back more then you borrowed. Even so, eventually banking became popular and more and more cities began to have banks. As towns and cities prospered in northern Europe, new ideas spread there too, often with the help of the newly invented printing press. Renaissance in the north was very different in many ways from that of Italy, but at the base of both was the same deep belief in humans work and effort.
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