Tuesday, November 26, 2019
My analysis of Duffys Rapture Essays
My analysis of Duffys Rapture Essays My analysis of Duffys Rapture Paper My analysis of Duffys Rapture Paper Essay Topic: Carol ann Duffy Poems Literature Carol Ann Duffys Rapture is a collection of poems, which express different views of love. Each of the poems have different meanings and are carefully constructed by the poet. She uses different themes in her poetry such as tea and grief, to illustrate Carol Ann Duffys point that many objects can be linked with love. Art is one of many poems from Carol Ann Duffys Rapture. In the poem, a person is speaking to their lover. The tone throughout the poem is depressing. It contains no positive thoughts on the topic of love and relationships. The person reminisces the love she/he had for her/his lover. The poem comes to a climax towards the end, this signifies the end of their relationship. The poem is set out as three stanzas containing four lines and a forth stanza, which is in fact a rhyming couplet. It is in sonnet form as it has fourteen lines, this is common for Shakespeare. Shakespeare also wrote romantic poetry so this reinforces the fact that this poem is a traditional poet focusing on the topic of love. The rhyming couplet at the end gives it a more light-hearted feel and sounds rather dramatic and cynical. Each of the verses has the same pattern. She uses enjambment throughout the stanzas. This creates movement and excitement, as the metre is irregular. Duffy uses an informal tone to introduce the poem. This is evident in her first phrase only art now. The word only in the phrase suggests art was once more significant, but is now not important so is a contradictory phrase. Art would normally be worth money and would have a high cultural value but to say only art now suggests that art is a negative thing. The phrase also introduces the main theme of the poem, Duffy uses extends the metaphor: our bodies, brushstroke, pigment, motif. It is implied that the physical aspect of their relationship was a significant part to it. Brushstroke and pigment being the essentials in a painting and motifs are the repeated ideas key to the meaning of the work of art, this relating to their relationship. Carol Ann Duffy describes the lovers story as a figment and suspension of disbelief. This indicates that the relationship seems unreal and non-existent, similar to that of a work of literature. This could also imply that their relationship was fragile and it could be suggested that the relationship was always doomed. The phrase suspension of disbelief was thought of by the poet and philosopher, Samuel Taylor Coleridge to illustrate the use of non-realistic elements in literature. The thrum of their blood is referred to as percussion, literally this suggests a thumping heartbeat. But as the word percussion has connotations of drama and passion, the poet could also be referring to a great work of art. On the other hand, it could refer to the relationships and the collisions within it. Duffy begins to refer to something as minor. Through using the word minor, Duffy may be referring to the minor key in music, which sounds sad, although on the other hand, she may be referring to minor as unimportant. Duffy has previously made reference to percussion and great artwork, this helps to exaggerate the reduction, as it gradually builds up. Alternatively, great artwork and percussion are negative images to the poet and could be referred to as unimportant. Carol Ann Duffy uses alliteration when describing their kiss. She describes it as chiselled, chilling marble. The phrase suggests denial as it would be impossible for marble to kiss, as marble is cold, it suggests its unfriendly, artificial and harsh; it can also be linked to the topic of art through marble sculptures. This again, reinforces the negativity of art in this poem. The poet states that their promises are locked into soundless stone. Once again, the word locked has negative connotations of imprisonment. There is also another example of alliteration; soundless stone, which has a soft and lyrical feel to it. This has a big impact on the tone of the poem, as it sounds less harsh than the rest of the poem. The poet goes on to say Or fizzled into poems. Fizzling is literally to make a hissing sound and could suggest something dying out weakly. This is most likely to be referring to the relationship. Duffy echoes Shakespeares idea of the timelessness of his poetry, which allows it to stand as a fitting monument to his love; she adopts the idea of art being a fit analogy for the actual experience and emotion of love. This also echoes the arguments she has made previously against language, elsewhere, the art here stands as a poor substitute for the thing itself, the imagined beauty the relationship was thought to hold before it died. She goes on to describe their voice as dried flowers. The dried flowers are a faint imitation of their former selves, possessing only a fraction of the beauty of their living alternatives, so her voice could also be seen to be a pale substitute for the emotions and feelings they wanted to discuss. In context, the phrase dried flowers also shows the loss or death of their own relationship. In the third stanza, the tone becomes more dramatic; the poet suggests there is no choice for love. She also puts across her point that without love, life is empty and desolate. This is evident when the poet says huge theatres for the echoes we left. This could indicate a sense of solitude. Towards the end of the poem, Carol Ann Duffy uses a rhyming couplet. This is to signify the end lines of the poem. She also changes to second and third person using words such as your and my. This could indicate the separation of the two people towards the end. Whereas throughout the poem, she uses first person. The fact that she uses first person throughout the poem indicates how close the two people used to be. From the evidence stated, it is clear that in the poem Art Duffy views love and relationships in a negative way. In each of her poems, although she compares love to a particular subject, for example, art, she highlights negative similarities linking with aspects of art.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
7 Online and Flexible Jobs For College Students That Pay $15/hour It can be really difficult to hold down a job and go to school full-time all at the same time. To make it work, you often need a job with a bit more flexibility. That’s where online jobs come in handy- they’re versatile and the hours can usually fit in around your schoolwork schedule. Also, if you need some solitude after days of classes and socializing, most of these are done all by your lonesome- the perfect gig for introverts! And bonus:  plenty of them pay more than $15 per hour. Pretty good setup for something you can do in your pajamas, right?Here are a few great examples of online jobs for college students.1. Social Media ManagerThink Facebook and Twitter are just for sociability and fun? Why not use the skills you were given as a member of your generation to make some cash as a rep for a company looking to gain some online traction?You can connect with businesses you love, help them gain a social media following, and make anywhere between $15 and $40 per hour . The trick is to focus your pitch and strategy on the platforms you know and love best. You’ll have the best ideas and be more attractive as a hire.2. Online TutorWhy bother meeting your tutees in person? Start your own online tutoring gig, charging $20+ per hour working with fellow college students, or high school or home schooled students. Consider tutoring in non-academic areas as well- any of your hobbies and extracurriculars are fair game! Violin or sewing by Skype, anyone? Try marketing your services on sites like Wyzant or Tutor.com. Share an online course you create through Skillshare or Udemy.3. Data EntryData entry doesn’t have to be done in an office setting from 9-5; it can easily be done online. For gigs, try sites like VirtualBee, Clickworker, DionData, SolutionsoDesk, Elance, Amazon Mechanical Turk, iFreelance, Craigslist (search for your city jobs web / info design or jobsadmin/office). The pay isn’t all that great, but you also don’t n eed much experience to get a bunch of gigs to string together.4. Virtual AssistantBe somebody’s secretary, but never have to hand them a cup of coffee! You can easily organize schedules, plan meetings, and arrange for food delivery without having to physically be in someone’s office. Check these sites for opportunities: oDesk, Elance, Guru, iFreelance, and Craigslist. This will feel more like a traditional 9-5 job, but you can be at home while you do it, and you can usually work in your own hours.5. Filling Out SurveysYou can actually make money by taking surveys online. You’ll have to do a lot of them, but it’s totally possible. Try Pinecone Research, Survey Spot, iPoll, or My Points as a start. And remember you’ll have to fit the appropriate demographic for each survey and there’ll be many different types.6. GenealogistGet paid to research other people’s family trees and charge a ton- anywhere between $70 and $700, and take on as li ttle or as much work as you can handle. If you like to research, this gig is for you.7. TranscriptionGet paid up to $25 per hour or more to transcribe audio. It’s repetitive work, and often very onerous, and requires a meticulous attention to detail- but it fits great around your academic schedule. And what’s more, you’ll probably learn a bunch about the random topics you’re transcribing. It’s like getting paid to eavesdrop!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Finance Analysis of Jones Limited(small, specialist marine engineering Coursework
Finance Analysis of Jones Limited(small, specialist marine engineering company based in Aberdeen) - Coursework Example Payback period for the investment of  £250,000 needed to generate the earnings of  £125,000 Thus, will be 250,000 à · 125,000 = 2 years In another approach, Net Present Values of Profit Streams to be received in next 3 years and 5 years can be calculated to see if they are positive. New investment needed is  £250,000. If the same debt/equity ratio for financing the project i.e 50% each is considered then debt burden will be  £125,000 and that will incur 8% interest charge. The interest charge comes to  £10,000. Since the dividend declared is 16%, weighted average cost of capital employed can be taken as arithmetic mean of debt and equity for both being equal in magnitude. Thus, the cost of capital to the company for this new project is 12% amounting to  £30,000 per year. The cost of capital needs to be deducted from the yearly earnings to arrive at the net cash flow to the company and that amounts to 125,000-30,000=  £95,000 However, the net profit of the operation after interest charge comes to 125,000-10,000=115,000 The depreciation of the plant and equipment is calculated on straight line method considering its useful life of 5 years. That is calculated as  £250,000/5=  £50,000. Thus, net profit to the company after charging interest, and depreciation is  £65,000. Development cost of  £25,000 can be apportioned as per the laws towards its useful life; however, in absence of the details, we right now assume it to apportion in 5 years. Thus, development cost for each year comes to ?5,000 and can be deducted from the net profit of ?65,000. Thus, actual net profit is ?60,000. However, depreciation is not creating any cash outflow though dividend on the equity is an out flow for the company. So net cash generated to the company is ?90,000 only. (Adding depreciation of ?50,000 back to the net profit and deducting dividend of ?20,000 at the rate of 16% on equity of ?125,000) Assuming Demand Will Last for 3 Years The forecast is that the demand will last for only 3 years due to the advancement in technology, which means net cash flow of ?90,000 will be available to company for three years only. It will be appropriate to know the present worth of the cash flow generated based on the discounting factor of 12% (equivalent to the weighted average cost o f capital), and the same can be given as 90,000/1.12+ 90,000 /1.122+ 90,000/1.123 =80,357+71,747+64,060 =?216,164 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦. (A) Assuming Demand Lasts For Full 5 Years of Equipment Life If the demand lasts for full 5 years to make a full utilization of equipment and machinery installed then the cash flow of ?90,000 will be generated for five years until the useful life of equipment and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Judiciary Committee of the Virginia State Bar Association Essay
The Judiciary Committee of the Virginia State Bar Association - Essay Example The membership of the Virginia State Bar is restricted to five categories that are active members, associate members, disabled and retired members, judicial members, and the emeritus members. Each group of members has defined roles and responsibilities that are aimed at ensuring the Bar’s responsibility to the state is achieved in the most integrated way possible. Members also belong to different committees with the Judicial Candidate Evaluation Committee being responsible for the consideration and search of appropriate nominees to fill any judicial vacancies. The constitution of the committee is thirteen active members. These members are carefully selected to ensure that each of the ten existing disciplinary districts in Virginia is represented, while the other three are from the state. Each member’s election restricts them to remain in office for only three year terms after which they are no longer eligible candidates. In addition, the election of the committee members is by the Council upon the recommendation of the nominating committee.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Reading Reflection Essay Example for Free
Reading Reflection Essay At first, I think literacy has two meanings. The first meaning is culture or civilization and the second meaning is the ability to write and read. Both meaning are very similar, they are related to cultural knowledge. But in today’s society, literacy not only means culture. The concept of information literacy is people can effectively use and recognize the information. Besides, people can redefining and evaluate themselves in today’s information society. By reading Nunberg’s Teaching Students to Swim in the Online Sea, I think the concept of literacy is the discerning ability of people. Nowadays, much knowledge is deriving from Internet. These are second hand materials, not the primary sources. Some resources are not true. The way every people think of the Web is very different. It tests their discerning abilities. Like most people judge the credibility of a website by its outward. The information literacy means to be able to effectively identify, evaluate, and use the information. Also, the information literacy is expanding to include the map, media, and some electronic text. The information literacy has a deeper meaning. Students are highly familiar about website and search engine. They are effectively integrating the concept of information literacy into their learning programs. For me, I think the information literacy is good for college students. Because it can help them recognize when the information is needed, they have the ability to use the information. Literacy information is increasingly important in college life. Students faced with diverse, rich information every day. It was a big challenge for them.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Power of Language in American Culture Essay -- Term Papers Researc
The Power of Language in American Culture Culture is a part of everyone's life, whether we choose to express it in our everyday lives or to just be aware of its presence. A major part of one's culture is a defining language. The topic of assimilation versus multiculturalism directly relates to culture in America, and even more specifically to the power of language in American culture. Since language is the basis of communication I think that all immigrants must assimilate to a certain degree by speaking English, while preserving their heritage if they choose to do so. Language is a very powerful thing. It is the way that people communicate with each other. For a foreigner living in America I think that this is essential. This is why I believe that if a foreigner only attempts to learn English, then they are already assimilating to American culture. Whether or not they choose to change their whole lifestyle into an American way of life, if they take on the English language then they are assimilating to a certain extent. Amy Tan is the author of the essay Mother Tongue. In this essay, she explains how the power of language has influenced her life through her mother and the experiences they have had together concerning her mother's English-speaking ability, or lack there of. She was born into a Chinese family where both Chinese and English were spoken. She is sensitive to and accepting of people's lingual differences. She talks about how the inability to speak English well in America gives others the wrong impression: "...everything is limited, including people's perceptions of the limited English speaker" (Tan 13). She is saying here that prolific English speakers place limitations on people who have limited English-speak... ...who you ask. It can mean many different things to many different people. I don't think that there is one right answer to the question: What is American culture? One thing for sure is that in order to truly be a part of a culture, you must be able to communicate with those around you. Therefore, I think it is essential that foreigners learn and speak English while preserving their heritage in America. The English language is a very powerful and useful tool. To those who enter this country, it can mean the difference between taken seriously or being taken for granted. Sources Cited Bray, Thomas. "Memorial Day and Multiculturalism." Detroit News 24 May 1998. 25 September 2005. . Tan, Amy. "Mother Tongue." Across Cultures. Eds. Sheena Gillespie and Robert Singleton. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1999. 26-31.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Marketing A Sports Organization
When watching football on television, we get so sidetracked in the game and in the players that we forget about another part of the team. The marketing team is a large part of the sports team. Without the group of people who help get the recognition, sales, promotions, the football team would have a more difficult time surviving. The marketing mix is one of the most often used phrases in marketing. The four marketing tactics, also known as the four â€Å"P’s,†are price, product, place, and promotion. Marketingteacher.com compares the marketing mix to that of a cake mix. All of the ingredients are essential to having the positive outcome that is desired. If the cake needs more sugar, you can add more sugar, if it needs more milk, you can add more milk. The same thing applies to the marketing mix. Perhaps the price needs to be altered for that positive outcome. Any of the tactics can be altered to suit the product and to get the outcome that is desired. When applying the marketing mix, the kind of organization that we are dealing with has to be considered. There is a difference between an amateur sports organization and a professional sports organization. In order to properly assess the commonalties and differences among the marketing mix developed for Diving Canada (Amateur Sport Organization) and the Toronto Blue Jays (Professional Sport Organization), it is imperative that one has a true understanding of the four elements that drives the marketing mix. The marketing mix was developed as a means to provide marketers with a strategy that would allow them to blend together various factors in order to achieve an organization’s objectives. To successfully implement this strategy, marketers must address the four specific tactics, or â€Å"ingredients†that will make the strategy work. Price is the factor that allows marketers to add value (a numerical representation) on the goods and services they are offering based on their ability to stimulate demand. Product on the other hand, refers to the tangible (good) physical aspect or service that encompasses such things as; brand name, functionality or packaging. Conversely, place relates to the specific geographical location that marketers feel is most appropriate to distribute their product/service to the general public. In order to engage in a successful deliverance, marketers must properly plan tactful promotional strategies that will inform their targeted market with the necessary information to make a purchase. If the aforementioned is utilized effectively, marketers will be able to achieve their organization’s goal in an efficient and productive manner According to www.wharton.universia.net, Juan Manuel de Toro, a professor at the IESE business school said that marketing for a sport’s organization should be, â€Å"Orientated toward consumers. It’s about thinking, deciding and acting in terms of the final consumer.† He said that as a result to this, â€Å"you have to know who your consumers are, and what they want and need. As much as possible, you have to tailor your offer to their needs, so you can get to know them and provide them with a worthwhile benefit. The orientation is toward the market, not to the product.†For instance, diving is growing to be very popular in Canada. According to www.diving.ca/english/html/about.htm, Canada is the number one diving nation in the world. Emphasizing that Canada is known for its diving is important. This will appeal to the emotional aspect of the marketing. It gives a sense of pride. When it comes to sports, pride sells. There are many organizations that would like to partner with one of the sports that Canada is known for. Sponsorship can make or break a sports marketing plan. Because the team is not necessarily a business and has different purposes than a business does, the marketing for a sports team is different. People watch sports for entertainment, and largely for the emotional aspect of it. There is some emotional reason why each person becomes passionate for sports. Whether it was a family sport for some, or whether they were athletes in the sport when younger, the customer has a reason. To successfully market, the marketing team must get into the heads of their customers and find out what that reason is. According to www.wharton.universia.net, Toro said, â€Å"You are dealing with more than just a service; the sports consumer is looking for entertainment, diversion, passion, emotion; you have to consider his complete emotional dedication.†Sandro Rosell, who is the vice-president the Futbal Club Barcelona, argued, â€Å"In sports marketing, it is very hard to bring business needs and emotional needs together.†Although Rosell is right, it is hard to do, it is possible. For an amateur organization, the price can be a big problem. There will be less money for marketing when the organization is amateur. What is used has to be used wisely. When seeking a partnership, there are a couple of options. Public or private organizations or state and local partnerships are often considered. One organization that would most likely be used for Diving Canada would be FINA, the world’s largest organization for aquatic sports. The sponsorship covers part of the price aspect. To gain a good idea of the price, penetration pricing could be considered. Penetration pricing is when the price is set low, on purpose, until interest is gained and then the price is raised higher. This would probably be a good idea for Diving Canada. Because it is an amateur sport, some customers might be a little leery of supporting it; however, because it is a sport that Canada is known for, they will most likely support it if the price is right. Once they begin supporting it and see how positive it is for them, the price can be raised and they will not refuse. Promotion for an amateur sports organization can be somewhat tricky. Sponsorship is found in promotion as well as the price. Without the sponsors supporting the team, it is difficult to have the promotion that is necessary. Since Diving Canada’s organization is more about achievement than money, they are not as well known as the Blue Jays. According to http://pr.e-agency.com/pdf/sports_division.pdf, one way to promote a team like the Diving Canada is to have a website devoted to them where they would gain large exposure. While this does cost extra money, the website believes that the price would be worth it in the end. A professional sport organization such as the Toronto Blue Jays is an association that is part of a much larger family that stretches across North America. These organizations are limited in the amount of teams that are able to compete and encompass a huge consumer database consisting of fans, spectators, participants, employees, sponsorship companies and much more. The Toronto Blue Jays, a Toronto based baseball team, is one of the thirty members of this professional sport organization. Diving Canada on the other hand is considered to be a non for profit amateur sport that was created to facilitate the growth and development of diving as a sport in Canada. Although not as large or consumer driven, Diving Canada represents nine provincial diving associations consisting of sixty seven local diving clubs with over 4,000 performing athletes. The main goal of diving Canada is to â€Å"become the number one diving nation in the world.†Unlike the Toronto Blue Jays Association who are profit driven, Diving Canada’s mission is to â€Å"provide all divers, from entry level participants to Olympic and World champions, with the programs and services required to achieve personal excellence and self fulfillment.†Before distinguishing the differences and commonalities of their respective marketing mixes, it is important to understand the underlying differences between a professional and an amateur. Professionals, who participate in sports organizations such as the Toronto Blue Jays are usually required to encompass a large array of knowledge achieved through intensive training and practicing. These individuals often have a large affect on society and are required to exploit their independence both in society and in the workplace. Furthermore, the single largest distinction between an amateur and a professional is the funding for the sport. Professionals are paid individuals who are part of a large organization, and are paid based on their active participation Amateurs, on the other hand usually refers to individuals who are not performing for money, but instead are doing so for self interest usually through an academic setting. Now that the differences between a paid professional and a working amateur, have been distinguished we discussion of the differences and similarities among the marketing mix can be continued. Sports â€Å"products†is the first part of the marketing mix that will be analyzed and discussed in relation to both The Toronto Blue Jays and Diving Canada. A sport product consists of a good or a service that is created for the purpose of providing a benefit to its many existing users (participants, sponsorship companies, spectators etc†¦). It can provide physical benefits which can be seen through its; its quality design, features, packaging, variety or it can provide intangible benefits, such as the excitement and thrill participants acquire when watching or attending their favorite sport game. Although Diving Canada is an amateur sport they share many of the same existing users. Both organizations have many participants providing entertainment for their fans (their consumers), while following specific rules and guidelines governed by officials, instructors, coaches, etc. Furthermore, both engage in acquiring sponsorships as a means to provide excess cash to run a successful event. Regarding the intangible benefits, there are many similarities as both organizations are proving entertainment for their spectators. However, one of the main differences is that participants in Diving Canada are competing for self-fulfillment (not getting paid), opposed to many of the players on the Toronto Blue Jays who participate for the swollen salary. Although both organizations are very competitive in nature, Diving Canada places a much larger emphasis on achieving personal excellence and self-satisfaction (individually) while the Toronto Blue Jays place a large emphasis on winning a championship as a whole rather than individual participation. Regarding the tangible aspects, there are many differences among the two organizations. There is much more variety offered by the Toronto Blue Jays seen through; the different field positions played (short stop, centre field, catcher, pitcher), equipment (bats, helmets, uniforms, gloves), demographics and viewing capabilities (radio, TV). Although, there is variety in Diving Canada, participants have limited equipment such as bathing suits or goggles, they differ by having much less exposure. TV and radio promotions are limited. The quality of entertainment is usually higher in professional sports, but can is too complex to judge as entertainment can only be judged in the eye of the beholder. Although both organizations design their sport wear to embody company logos, the Toronto Blue Jays place a much larger emphasis on its uniqueness as a way to drive sales and attract consumer purchases of uniforms, hats, gloves, etc†¦One of the biggest differences recognized among the two organizations is the brand name which is perceived through their logos. The Toronto Blue Jays have a much more distinguished and recognized logo compared to Diving Canada. Although Diving Canada does have a signature logo, recognized as widely as the Toronto Blue Jays due to the limited exposure, demand and publicity for the event. The largest difference between the Blue Jays and Diving Canada is money. However, in the words of Shaquille O’Neal, â€Å"I'm tired of hearing about money, money, money, money, money. I just want to play the game, drink Pepsi, [and] wear Reebok.†Though the two sports are extremely different in marketing, it is interesting to see how the same formula  price, place, promotion, and product, can be tailored to work successfully for both. Works Cited Dunn, Paige, and Patty Deutsche. â€Å"Sports Marketing Devision.†E-Agency. 2006. 6 Dec. 2006 â€Å"Diving Plongeon Canada.†Diving. 2006. 6 Dec. 2006 ;www.diving.ca/english/html/about.htm;. â€Å"Marketing Mix.†Marketing Teacher. 2006. 6 Dec. 2006 ;http://marketingteacher.com/Lessons/lesson_marketing_mix.htm;. O'neal, Shaquille. â€Å"The Sports Quote †¦ the Best of the Best.†Famous Quotes and Quotations. 2006. 6 Dec. 2006 . â€Å"Sports Marketing: the Motor That Drives the Sports Business.†Marketing. 18 May 2005. 6 Dec. 2006 .
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Critical Legal Thinking Essay
A state doctrine is â€Å"a doctrine which states that judges of one country cannot question the validity of an act committed by another country within that other country’s borders. It is based on the principle that a country has absolute authority over what transpires within its own territory†(Cheeseman, 2013). In the case of Glen v. Club Mediteranee, S.A. this means that because the incident of Cuba’s expropriating the Glen’s beachfront property to Club Mediteranee, S. A. to build their facility and then not paying the Glen’s for the property cannot be brought to a U.S. court to be judged because the incident originated in Cuba and state doctrine states that another country cannot â€Å"question the validity of an act committed by another country†(Cheeseman, 2013, p. 543). The U.S.A. cannot just step in and tell Cuba that their standards and beliefs are wrong. Ethics No, the Cuban government and Club Mediteranee by ethical, societal, or U.S. standards act morally in the joint venture of building their facilities on the Glen’s beachfront property without establishing a contract or making payment to the Glen’s for their beachfront property. By our society standards and beliefs, in the U.S.A. this would be considered stealing. Although we might see this as immoral and illegal Cuba may not, because their country may have no compunction to take what is not theirs and use it as they see fit does not give another country the right to sit in judgment because each culture and civilization has their own ethical standards and we cannot place our standards on other countries because that would be unethical. Contemporary Business References Cheeseman, H. R. (2013). The Legal Environment of Business and Online Commerce: Business Ethics, E-Commerce, Regulatory, and International Issues. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Investment policy – OECD. (2014.). Retrieved from http://www.oecd.org/investment/toolkit/policyareas/investmentpolicy/expropriationlawsandreviewprocesses.htm
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How American Manifest Destiny Effects Modern Foreign Policy
How American Manifest Destiny Effects Modern Foreign Policy The term Manifest Destiny, which American writer John L. OSullivan coined in 1845, describes what most 19th-Century Americans believed was their God-given mission to expand westward, occupy a continental nation, and extend U.S. constitutional government to unenlightened peoples. While the term sounds like it is strictly historical, it also more subtly applies to the tendency of U.S. foreign policy to push democratic nation-building around the globe. Historical Background OSullivan first used the term to support the expansionist agenda of President James K. Polk, who took office in March 1845. Polk ran on only one platform westward expansion. He wanted to officially claim the southern part of Oregon Territory; annex the whole of the American Southwest from Mexico; and annex Texas. (Texas had declared independence from Mexico in 1836, but Mexico did not acknowledge it. Since then, Texas had survived barely as an independent nation; only U.S. congressional arguments over slavery had prevented it from becoming a state.) Polks policies would undoubtedly cause war with Mexico. OSullivans Manifest Destiny thesis helped drum up support for that war. Basic Elements of Manifest Destiny Historian Albert K. Weinberg, in his 1935 book Manifest Destiny first codified the elements of American Manifest Destiny. While others have debated and reinterpreted those elements, they remain a good foundation for explaining the idea. They include: Security: Simply, the first generations of Americans saw their unique position on the eastern edge of a new continent as an opportunity to create a nation without of the Balkanization of European countries. That is, they wanted a continental-sized nation, not many small nations on a continent. That obviously would give the United States few borders to worry about and enable it to conduct a cohesive foreign policy.Virtuous Government: Americans saw their Constitution as the ultimate, virtuous expression of enlightened governmental thought. Using the writings of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and others, Americans had created a new government without the hobbles of European monarchies one based on the will of the governed, not the government.National Mission/Divine Ordination: Americans believed that God, by geographically separating the U.S. from Europe, had given them the chance to create the ultimate government. It stood to reason, then, that He also wanted them to spread that governme nt to unenlightened people. Immediately, that applied to Native Americans. Modern Foreign Policy Implications The term Manifest Destiny fell out of use after the U.S. Civil War, in part to racist overtones of the concept, but it returned again in the 1890s to justify American intervention in the Cuban rebellion against Spain. That intervention resulted in the Spanish-American War, 1898. That war added more modern implications to the concept of Manifest Destiny. While the U.S. did not fight the war for true expansion, it did fight it to develop a rudimentary empire. After quickly beating Spain, the U.S. found itself in control of both Cuba and the Philippines. American officials, including President William McKinley, were hesitant to let nationals in either place run their own affairs, for fear that they would fail and allow other foreign nations to step into a power vacuum. Simply, many Americans believed that they need to take Manifest Destiny beyond American shores, not for land acquisition but to spread American democracy. The arrogance in that belief was racist itself. Wilson and Democracy Woodrow Wilson, president from 1913-1921, became a leading practitioner of modern Manifest Destiny. Wanting to rid Mexico of its dictator president Victoriano Huerta in 1914, Wilson commented that he would teach them to elect good men. His comment was fraught with the notion that only Americans could provide such governmental education, which was a hallmark of Manifest Destiny. Wilson ordered the U.S. Navy to conduct sabre-rattling exercises along the Mexican coastline, which in turn resulted in a minor battle in the town of Veracruz. In 1917, trying to justify Americas entry into World War I, Wilson remarked that the U.S. would make the world safe for democracy. Few statements have so clearly typified the modern implications of Manifest Destiny. The Bush Era It would be hard to classify American involvement in World War II as an extension of Manifest Destiny. You could make a greater case for its policies during the Cold War. The policies of George W. Bush toward Iraq, however, fit modern Manifest Destiny almost exactly. Bush, who said in a 2000 debate against Al Gore that he had no interest in nation-building, proceeded to do exactly that in Iraq. When Bush began the war in March 2003, his overt reason was to find weapons of mass destruction. In reality, he was bent on deposing Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and installing in his place a system of American democracy. The ensuing insurrection against American occupiers proved how difficult it would be for the United States to continue pushing its brand of Manifest Destiny.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Mark Twains Two Ways of Seeing a River Reading Quiz
Mark Twains Two Ways of Seeing a River Reading Quiz Two Ways of Seeing a River is an excerpt from the end of Chapter Nine of Mark Twains autobiographical work Life on the Mississippi, published in 1883. The memoir recounts his early days as a steamboat pilot on the Mississippi and then a trip down the river much later in life from St. Louis to New Orleans. Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) is regarded as a masterpiece and was the first piece of American literature to tell the story in colloquial, everyday language. After reading the essay, take this short quiz, and then compare your responses with the answers at the bottom of the page. In the opening sentence of Two Ways of Seeing a River, Twain introduces a metaphor, comparing the Mississippi River to:(A) a snake(B) a language(C) something wet(D) a beautiful woman with a deadly disease(E) the devils highwayIn the first paragraph, Twain uses the technique of repeating key words to emphasize his main point. What is this repeated line?(A) The majestic river!(B) I had made a valuable acquisition.(C) I still keep in mind a wonderful sunset.(D) I had lost something.(E) All the grace, the beauty, the poetry.The detailed description that Twain provides in the first paragraph is recalled from whose point of view?(A) an experienced steamboat captain(B) a small child(C) a beautiful woman with a deadly disease(D) Huckleberry Finn(E) Mark Twain himself, when he was an inexperienced steamboat pilotIn the first paragraph, Twain describes the river as having a ruddy flush. Define the adjective ruddy.(A) crude, rough, unfinished condition(B) having a sturdy build or strong constit ution(C) inspiring pity or compassion(D) reddish, rosy(E) neat and orderly How are Twains comments on the sunset scene in the second paragraph different from his descriptions of it in the first paragraph?(A) The experienced pilot is now able to read the river rather than marvel at its beauty.(B) The older man has grown bored with life on the river and simply wants to return home.(C) The river looks strikingly different at sunset from the way it appears at dawn.(D) The river is suffering as a result of pollution and physical decay.(E) The older and wiser man perceives the true beauty of the river in ways that the younger man would probably make fun of.In paragraph two, Twain uses which figure of speech in the line concerning the rivers face?(A) mixed metaphor(B) oxymoron(C) personification(D) epiphora(E) euphemismIn the final paragraph, Twain raises questions in regard to the way that a doctor might examine the face of a beautiful woman. This passage is an example of what technique?(A) wandering away from the subject(B) drawing an analogy(C) making a transit ion to an entirely new topic(D) deliberate word-for-word repetition to achieve emphasis(E) anti-climax ANSWERS:1. B; 2. D; 3. E; 4. D; 5. A; 6. C; 7. B.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Financial Institutions Strategic Management Essay
Financial Institutions Strategic Management - Essay Example Reference is made to the factors that have most affected the above industry’s performance but also to the factors that would continue to influence the particular industry in the future. The research developed in regard to the specific subject has led to the assumption that the USA banking industry has been highly supported, as of its establishment and further growth, by politicians and analysts; however, the relevant plans have often failed to meet the criteria set by their initiators. The need for radical changes on the sector’s strategic choices is clear; certain trends, as for example, the need for hiring stars for improving organizational performance, have been eliminated. In any case, problems related to the specific organizational sector, should be resolved by continuously updating the strategies of the industry’s firms, as appropriate, so that their goals are continuously aligned with the market rules and ethics. The development of banking industry in USA has been gradual. In fact, in USA banks have always been a key factor for economic growth (Coulbeck 1984). The establishment of the USA banking industry has been related to the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, which has emphasized on the categorization of the sectors of ‘the financial services industry, as following: commercial banking, investment banking and insurance’ (Koch and Scott 2009, p.2). Other legislative texts that followed, especially ‘the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956’ (Koch and Scott 2009, p.2), set the rules on which the activities of banks across USA should be based. The literature indicates that the establishment of bank branches across the country has been related to certain geographic criteria. In the study of Coulbeck (1984), emphasis is given on the following fact: in USA, banking activities have been always quite developed; in 1940 the banks operating across USA were estimated to 5,144 while in 1980 the above number has been decreased to 4,425 (Coulbeck
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